Compassion & Choices


Compassion & Choices improves care, expands options and empowers everyone to chart their end-of-life journey. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We have 450,000 supporters and are active in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., Guam and Puerto Rico.

We work across the nation in communities, state legislatures, Congress, courts and medical settings to:

  • Educate the public about the importance of documenting end-of-life values and priorities and about the full range of available options.
  • Empower every individual with achievable options, authoritative information and constructive advice for guiding their care and engaging with their providers.
  • Advocate for expanded choices, secure and ready access to them and improved medical practice that puts patients first and values quality of life in treatment plans for terminal illness.
  • Defend existing end-of-life options from efforts to restrict access.


User type:
Caregiver, Patient

User-specific links:

Topic areas:
Financial, Communication, Hospice/Palliative Care

Topic-specific links:

Additional resource description and links: