UP Lions Serve - Childhood Cancer


Our mission is to serve children and families from the Upper Peninsula who are battling childhood cancer.
Our program assembles initiatives to help these families meet financial needs for travel, medical, and household bills.
We provide these families with other resources for getting care.
We share information and connect families to other nonprofits that may help, either in-person or remotely, such as:

  • Camp Quality provides families around the country with authentic childhood experiences and plans to expand by offering Camp Quality Upper Peninsula.
  • Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids provides hair and skin restoration services to our children in the U.P.
  • Kids Kicking Cancer provides martial arts and meditation/pain control classes to U.P. children and their siblings.


User type:
Caregiver, Patient

User-specific links:

Topic areas:
Financial, Child/Youth

Topic-specific links:

Additional resource description and links: